Frequently Asked Questions
Which company manages the Dining Services?
Sodexo Campus Services. Sodexo is the leading provider of Food and Facilities management in North America and has provided Centenary College with excellent services since 1996. Check out more about Sodexo at
Are you able to accommodate my special dietary needs?
Absolutely. Sodexo Campus Services has a wide range of resources to accommodate special dietary needs. We also have a Registered Dietitian available to assist students with meal planning and special dietary issues. Please stop by the Dining Hall or email
What meal plans are offered at Centenary College
All students that live in the Residence Halls are required to be on a meal plan. There are 3 meal plans to choose from for Freshmen and Sophomores, one additional one for Juniors and Seniors, and one additional one for commuters. Our current plan options may be viewed on the Meal Plans page.
What are points?
These funds may be used to make purchases at Randle's located in the Student Union Building. Points can also be used to purchase meals for family & friends at the Bynum Commons Dining Hall. Points are carried over from the fall to spring semester; however, unused points are forfeited at the end of the spring semester. All of the above meal plans and points are nontransferable and nonrefundable.
If the Dining Hall is closed, do I get credit for my meals?
If there is an official closing of the Dining Hall for any reason, the college will offer an alternate meal site.
Can I change my meal plans? If so, where do I go?
You can change your plan during the first week of classes. The changes can be made in the Residence Life office in the Student Union Building.
If I run out of meal points is it better to pay cash at the door or add to money my card?
It’s better to add points than pay with cash. There is a discount given when points are added. Just come by the main office in the Cafe to do this.
If I have to miss a meal due to an illness or a class conflict, what can I do?
If you are ill and have to miss a meal, a special “sick tray” can be arranged with authorization from Health Center or Residence Hall staff. Box meals are provided for class conflicts. At the beginning of the semester, bring your class schedule to the food service office to make arrangements.